Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tips to Fight against Wrinkles

beauty tips, beauty station
by Peter Hutch

Wrinkles form when the skin loses its elasticity. Some wrinking of the skin is due to aging, but other causes are diet, stress, lifestyle, skin care habits and habitual facial expressions.

Resurfacing your skin with one of several techniques, such as a chemical peel, radiofrequency ablation or dermabrasion, may be the answer. Laser resurfacing â€" popular option in the family of ablative (wounding) skin resurfacing techniques â€" removes the aged or sun-damaged skin to allow younger looking skin to grow in its place.

Treatments for facial wrinkles are usually performed in the office setting which is convenient, private, and safe for persons who desire therapy. Your health, in conjunction with the appropriate therapy to achieve your goals, is given full consideration by your Facial Plastic Surgeon prior to the any decision to undertake specific treatment. However, very few individual health problems would limit the use of these therapies due to their minimally-invasive methods of application. Your concerns and any medical requirements for each facial wrinkle therapy will be part of the consultation with your surgeon.

Hyaluronic acid has become acceptedâ€"and even preferredâ€"for use in wrinkle treatment. However, some people have allergic reactions to hyaluronic acid products synthesized from bovine or avian tissue. Juvéderm is made of biosynthesized, non-animal hyaluronic acid, so it is free of allergens that may cause adverse reactions in some patients. Juvéderm® offers the same cosmetic benefits provided by animal-based hyaluronic acid skin fillers, but without the risk of allergic reaction. Juvéderm comes in several concentrations for treatment of different types of wrinkles and creases.

Treatment with this medicine may cause your body to form antibodies that may make future treatments less effective. You should receive the lowest effective dose, with at least 3 months between shots. Injections in the muscles close to the eyes may cause you to blink less. This may harm your eyes. Your health care provider may prescribe eye drops, ointment, soft contact lenses, or an eye patch to protect your eyes until the medicine has worn off enough for you to be able to blink normally again. About 30 minutes before you go out in the sun, apply a sunscreen with a sun-protection factor (SPF) of at least 15. If you have a fair complexion or sun-sensitive skin, you may need a higher SPF, such as 30 or even 45, especially in a southern climate or at a high altitude. Remember that water, sand, snow, and concrete reflect the sun's rays and increase the likelihood of sunburn. Rub plenty of sunscreen on all exposed skin, paying special attention to the back of the neck, ears, nose, and shoulders.

Add a few drops of essential oil to a carrier oil, or fragrance and lanolin free skin cream or lotion and massage into the skin. In addition to use in prevention of wrinkles, Botox has been used to treat uncontrolled eye twitching, crossed eyes, muscle spasms and, most recently, excessive underarm sweating.

Fat may be harvested from certain areas of your body, often the lower abdomen, through liposuction and then placed in a syringe and injected through small incisions into the cheek, tear trough, temple or forehead. Like bovine collagen, the effects are unpredictable and may be temporary. Your surgeon may choose to over-inject fat to extend the results of the procedure. The care taken when fat is harvested, filtered, prepared and injected is crucial and helps yield more lasting results.

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